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Do you want to be a step above your competition? Then join us on Friday, February 16th, 2018 from 9-12:30 to learn new and important data that will help you grow your international business in 2018. You will hear from:

Brad O’Connor, PhD, Chief Economist for Florida REALTORS®

Dr. O’Connor will help you make sense of how home sales and home values will respond to the nationwide housing shortage, recent hurricanes, federal tax reform, changes in global economics and much more!

David Nixon, Business Development Director, Currencies Direct

David will show you how to use foreign exchange rates to your advantage to attract new buyers & sellers, while saving them money.

Bill Risser, VP Digital Strategy, Fidelity National Title

“Cyber Security and Wire Fraud in Real Estate”  Bill will look at the latest tactics used to commit wire fraud & key strategies to nearly eliminate wire fraud in our industry.
PIC Members ($10):
Click here to register.

PRO Members ($12):
Click here to register.

Non PRO Members ($15):
Click here to register.

Contact: Jan Dean or Angela Emerson
Phone: 727-216-3004


Feb 16th 2018 event

Well, here’s a cheery way to start the week. No, actually, this is one of the best infographics I have seen on preparing your home for natural disasters. I like that it is concise & full of information as well as debunking some myths. Which natural disaster causes the most damage? 6 of the 7 people I asked, responded with the wrong answer. See how you fare.








Is your home ready for holiday visits from your friends and family? Here are a few tips that might help you to prepare.

Some preparations take only a few minutes, while some others may take longer. My advice is to start preparing your home for the holidays now, even if it is only 5 minutes here and there. It really does help.

First thing is to declutter the public rooms and guest room (if you have one) — foyer, kitchen, living room, den, and dining room. Remove anything unnecessary from countertops, dining table, coffee tables, and bathroom counters. Do you really need 10 pillows and a blanket on the couch right now?

I have to admit that I have from time to time hidden my “mess” in my car, the garage, the basement and behind clothes in the closets where family & friends should not be looking. Shopping bags, baskets & suitcases work well. You can take your time going through things later after your guests leave.

The first thing guests see, of course, is your walkway, front door and foyer/entryway so it might be a good place to spend a little extra time and effort there. Make that first impression count. So if you have time, you may want to give the front door a new coat of paint. Polish and tighten door hardware, and oil hinges to prevent squeaks. Add a small rug or welcome mat at the entrance to protect floors & make guests feel welcome. Move your shoes, umbrellas, coats, etc. to another closet or the garage for the time being. Also be sure to replace any burned out light bulbs near the front door and elsewhere throughout the house and maybe add a few solar lights to the front walkway. Remember your family and friends may not be as familiar with your home as you are.

If small children will be visiting, you will need to look at your house through the eyes of someone that might be under 3 feet tall. See what might be enticing to them. Move all toxic cleaners, medicines, matches, breakables to higher out of sight areas. Maybe even ask the parents if they have any extra portable baby gates that they could bring with them. Check to see if any of your doors will need to be latched or propped open to prevent little fingers from being pinched. Have a few toys, books or projects for the kids to do that are age appropriate and something that they are not familiar with so it keeps their attention for a while and makes them feel special too.

Another important thing to ask your guests is whether they or their children have any allergies. In my family we have several generations with severe food allergies, so we always cook those dishes separately, if all, and have them clearly labeled.

As we all know, no matter how large or SMALL our kitchen is – that is where everyone tends to gather! Most people are willing to help with the holiday meals so have some step-stools and chairs nearby. Again, remove anything that is not necessary for prepping that meal or making those cookies & pies. Have brooms, extra sponges, & dish cloths available for your helpers. If children are visiting, find smaller versions of baking dishes, rolling pins and cleaning items so that they too can help.

Have paper towels, toilet paper, towels, and toiletries somewhere easily found by your guests. Even putting them in baskets on the bathroom counter or floor under the towel rack will help guests feel a bit more at home.

And please don’t forget the pets! Do they have any special needs or restrictions? Like don’t ever let Spike outside without a lease!!! or is Bandit really allowed to anything he wants?

Lastly, make sure that the batteries in your smoke detector batteries are new & working. Let each guest know where fire extinguishers are located and how to unlock windows and doors.

Hope that helps you a little to be able to relax and enjoy the holidays with family & friends. Do you have any other tips that might be useful? If so, please share.

I just received my friend’s latest newsletter and thought that I would share this others. I have attended at least one of his sessions for the last several years. Great guy & always fantastic advice!

Andrew Wooten contact info

It’s Spring, and the words “spring cleaning” are great buzz words. As we work with survivors of crime the words we hear most are, “I didn’t think it would happen to me,” or with associations and companies, “I didn’t think it could happen here.” So, as we move into “Spring” let’s spring clean your greatest weapon, your mind. Let’s refresh our minds with these simple tips to keep you, your staff, your co-workers and family safe.

Home SafetyIt’s time to change your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. If you don’t have one, put a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and other areas of your home. If you have one, it’s time to have it serviced or replaced. Install anti lock-bumping locks on all your doors. Click here for more information on lock-bumping.  Install motion detector lights on all sides of the outside of your home. Keep bushes trimmed down to 3 feet and trees trimmed up to 10  feet. Springtime. That glorious time of year when you suddenly realize the lawn needs mowing, the garden needs weeding and the house could use a fresh coat of paint. Just remember to take a moment and remember safety first.

Social Media As springtime is here we find ourselves working more and more hours in the day. As we continue to evolve in our electronic age, here is a quick note about social media. Be careful using Wi-Fi. We are all very busy. We try to  stay connected everywhere we go, in our car, at our favorite coffee spot  and while waiting in line at the store. Information transmitted over a  free Wi-Fi connection can be viewed by anyone. So think twice before  logging into your bank account over an unsecured connection. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn:When you use social media be aware of what you are posting and sharing and how that can be used. Limit the amount of personal information you share. Everyone doesn’t need to know where you are going to dinner tonight or when you are going on vacation. And finally let me close with our Five Second Rule

Take One Second and look before you walk outside. Take One Second and look behind you as you walk to your car.  Take One Second as you stop at red lights/stop signs. Take One Second before exiting your vehicle. Take One Second as you walk towards your destination.

We hope you find this information helpful. If you would like information on a particular topic, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Annalisa Weller, Realtor®, Certified International Property Specialist

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